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Sunday, 7 April 2019


50 Logic gates with a set of input and outputs is arrangement of

(A) Combinational circuit
(B) Logic circuit
(C) Design circuits
(D) Register

Ans: A

51. MIMD stands for

(A) Multiple instruction multiple data
(B) Multiple instruction memory data
(C) Memory instruction multiple data
(D) Multiple information memory data
Ans: A

52 A k-bit field can specify any one of
(A) 3k registers
(B) 2k registers
(C) K2 registers
(D) K3 registers
Ans: B

53 The time interval between adjacent bits is called the
(A) Word-time
(B) Bit-time
(C) Turn around time
(D) Slice time

Ans: B

54 A group of bits that tell the computer to perform a specific operation is known as

(A) Instruction code
(B) Micro-operation
(C) Accumulator
(D) Register

Ans: A

55 The load instruction is mostly used to designate a transfer from memory to a processor register known as

(A) Accumulator
(B) Instruction Register
(C) Program counter
(D) Memory address Register

Ans: A

56 The communication between the components in a microcomputer takes place via the address and

(A) I/O bus
(B) Data bus
(C) Address bus
(D) Control lines

Ans: B

57 An instruction pipeline can be implemented by means of

(A) LIFO buffer
(B) FIFO buffer
(C) Stack
(D) None of the above

Ans: B

58 Data input command is just the opposite of a

(A) Test command
(B) Control command
(C) Data output
(D) Data channel

Ans: C
59 A microprogram sequencer

(A) generates the address of next micro instruction to be executed.
(B) generates the control signals to execute a microinstruction.
(C) sequentially averages all microinstructions in the control memory.
(D) enables the efficient handling of a micro program subroutine.

Ans: A

60 . A binary digit is called a

(A) Bit
(B) Byte
(C) Number
(D) Character

Ans: A

61 A flip-flop is a binary cell capable of storing information of

(A) One bit
(B) Byte
(C) Zero bit
(D) Eight bit

Ans: A

62 The operation executed on data stored in registers is called

(A) Macro-operation
(B) Micro-operation
(C) Bit-operation
(D) Byte-operation

Ans: B

63 MRI indicates

(A) Memory Reference Information.
(B) Memory Reference Instruction.
(C) Memory Registers Instruction.
(D) Memory Register information

Ans: B

64 Self-contained sequence of instructions that performs a given computational task is called

(A) Function
(B) Procedure
(C) Subroutine
(D) Routine

Ans: A

65 Microinstructions are stored in control memory groups, with each group specifying a

(A) Routine
(B) Subroutine
(C) Vector
(D) Address
Ans: A

66 An interface that provides a method for transferring binary information between internal storage and external devices is called

(A) I/O interface
(B) Input interface
(C) Output interface
(D) I/O bus
Ans: A

67 Status bit is also called

(A) Binary bit
(B) Flag bit
(C) Signed bit
(D) Unsigned bit

Ans: B

68 An address in main memory is called

(A) Physical address
(B) Logical address
(C) Memory address
(D) Word address
Ans: A

69 If the value V(x) of the target operand is contained in the address field itself, the addressing mode is
(A) immediate.
(B) direct.
(C) indirect.
(D) implied.

Ans: B

70 can be represented in a signed magnitude format and in a 1’s complement format as

(A) 111011 & 100100
(B) 100100 & 111011
(C) 011011 & 100100
(D) 100100 & 011011

Ans: A

71 The instructions which copy information from one location to another either in the processor’s internal register set or in the external main memory are called
(A) Data transfer instructions.
(B) Program control instructions.
(C) Input-output instructions.
(D) Logical instructions.

Ans: A

72 A device/circuit that goes through a predefined sequence of states upon the application of input pulses is called

(A) register
(B) flip-flop
(C) transistor.
(D) counter.

Ans: D

73. The performance of cache memory is frequently measured in terms of a quantity called

(A) Miss ratio.
(B) Hit ratio.
(C) Latency ratio.
(D) Read ratio.

Ans: C

74. The information available in a state table may be represented graphically in a

(A) simple diagram.
(B) state diagram.
(C) complex diagram.
(D) data flow diagram.
Ans: B

75 Content of the program counter is added to the address part of the instruction in order to obtain the effective address is called.
(A) relative address mode.
(B) index addressing mode.
(C) register mode.
(D) implied mode.

Ans: A

76 An interface that provides I/O transfer of data directly to and form the memory unit and peripheral is termed as
(A) DDA.
(B) Serial interface.
(C) BR.
(D) DMA.

Ans: D

77 The 2s compliment form (Use 6 bit word) of the number 1010 is

(A) 111100.
(B) 110110.
(C) 110111.
(D) 1011.
Ans: B

78 A register capable of shifting its binary information either to the right or the left is called a

(A) parallel register.
(B) serial register.
(C) shift register.
(D) storage register.

Ans: C

79 What is the content of Stack Pointer (SP)?

(A) Address of the current instruction
(B) Address of the next instruction
(C) Address of the top element of the stack
(D) Size of the stack.

Ans: C

80 Which of the following interrupt is non maskable

(B) RST 7.5.
(C) RST 6.5.

Ans: D

81 Which of the following is a main memory

(A) Secondary memory.
(B) Auxiliary memory.
(C) Cache memory.
(D) Virtual memory.

Ans: C

82 Which of the following are not a machine instructions

(A) MOV.
(B) ORG.
(C) END.
(D) (B) & (C) .

Ans: D

83 In Assembly language programming, minimum number of operands required for an instruction is/are

(A) Zero.
(B) One.
(C) Two.
(D) Both (B) & (C) .
Ans: A

84 The maximum addressing capacity of a micro processor which uses 16 bit database & 32 bit address base is

(A) 64 K.
(B) 4 GB.
(C) both (A) & (B) .
(D) None of these.

Ans: B

85 The memory unit that communicates directly with the CPU is called the

(A) main memory
(B) Secondary memory
(C) shared memory
(D) auxiliary memory.

Ans: A

86 The average time required to reach a storage location in memory and obtain its contents is called

(A) Latency time.
(B) Access time.
(C) Turnaround time.
(D) Response time.

Ans: B

87. A memory buffer used to accommodate a speed differential is called

A. stack pointer
B. cache
C. accumulator
D. disk buffer

Answer: B

88. Which one of the following is the address generated by CPU?

A. physical address
B. absolute address
C. logical address
D. none of the mentioned
Answer: C

89. Run time mapping from virtual to physical address is done by
A. memory management unit
D. none of the mentioned

Answer: A

90. Memory management technique in which system stores and retrieves data from secondary storage for
use in main memory is called

A. fragmentation
B. paging
C. mapping
D. none of the mentioned

Answer: B

91. The address of a page table in memory is pointed by

A. stack pointer
B. page table base register
C. page register
D. program counter

92. Program always deals with

A. logical address
B. absolute address
C. physical address
D. relative address

Answer: A

93 A successive A/D converter is

(A) a high-speed converter.
(B) a low speed converter.
(C) a medium speed converter.
(D) none of these.

Ans: C

94 When necessary, the results are transferred from the CPU to main memory by

(A) I/O devices.
(B) CPU.
(C) shift registers.
(D) none of these.

Ans: C

96 A combinational logic circuit which sends data coming from a single source to two or more separate destinations is

(A) Decoder.
(B) Encoder.
(C) Multiplexer.
(D) Demultiplexer.
Ans: D

97 In which addressing mode the operand is given explicitly in the instruction

(A) Absolute.
(B) Immediate .
(C) Indirect.
(D) Direct.

Ans: B

98 A stack organized computer has

(A) Three-address Instruction.
(B) Two-address Instruction.
(C) One-address Instruction.
(D) Zero-address Instruction.

Ans: D

99 A Program Counter contains a number 825 and address part of the instruction contains the number 24.
               The effective address in the relative address mode, when an instruction is read from the memory is

(A) 849.
(B) 850.
(C) 801.
(D) 802.

Ans: B

102 A page fault

(A) Occurs when there is an error in a specific page.
(B) Occurs when a program accesses a page of main memory.
(C) Occurs when a program accesses a page not currently in main memory.
(D) Occurs when a program accesses a page belonging to another program.
Ans: C

103. The load instruction is mostly used to designate a transfer from memory to a processor register known as____.
A. Accumulator
B. Instruction Register
C. Program counter
D. Memory address Register

Ans: A


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